Supplement Blow Out Sale!

Looking for great deals on supplements for your daily life? Need some extra immune support to keep those pesky flu bugs away? Did you know that every quarter, the Emerald City Doctors and I look through our pharmacy to find expired or expiring products that are still holding their potency to put on our sale shelf? Our sale shelf provides quality vitamins to our patients at an extremely reduced price of 50% off!Dr. Molly and I went through our pharmacy at the beginning of this month to clean out and start fresh for the New Year. This means there are a whole bunch of supplements on our sale shelf that have been approved to still have efficacy and they are being sold at practitioner pricing. Come check out what we have to offer and stock up for the upcoming year!Of course, if you have any questions or concerns please make your doctor aware via email or a quick note with our lovely Front Desk staff.In health,Chelsea Kern, Pharmacy Coordinator and Medical AdministratorCurrently on Sale!

Medibulk Fiber $8.15
Priority Skin Clear Topical Acne Medication $13.65
Lumina DHA EPA $34.81
Spectrum 2C Multiple w/ iron $21.75
Cranberry concentrate For UTI $17.20
Tri-Spartate Minerals $5.35
B Complex #1 B Complex for headache prone client $7.00
Kinder Well Immune response $7.90
Diosmin-HMC Bioflavonoids (similar to quercitin) $9.10
PolyResveratrol-SR X $22.70
I Comp Eye health $12.25
Laktoferrin Immune support X $14.50
Perfusia SR Argenine/for energy $17.55
D-Hist JR Herbal antihistamine $8.55
Cardio Response Whole food hypertension medication X $28.48
Kinder Clear Immune support for children $7.50
Ligusticum porteri Antiviral/Lungs/Osha $5.30
Peppermint Gels Reflux treatment $9.50
Euphrasia Complex Conjunctivitis antiviral treatment $13.50
Boron Picolinate Osteoporosis X $4.25
Elder Eyebright Formula Anti Viral for children $5.38
Cat's Claw STRONG anti microbial X $13.20
Bio-Multi Plus Whole food multivitamin $11.75

Flu Vaccines: Yay or Nay?


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