Stefanie Karn LaSalle, ND [She/Her]
Dr. LaSalle loves to solve puzzles and is passionate in uncovering the underlying cause of illness. She is not satisfied until she understands why a person is sick and how to get them well. Through a holistic and personalized approach to care, she focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease, rather than just treating symptoms. She takes seriously the tenet of Docere, doctor as teacher, by providing guidance, facilitating understanding, and valuing the patient doctor relationship.
Naturopathic medicine blends time-tested natural therapies with modern scientific advances to aid in the management of health and illness. Therapies are designed to restore health, so that the body may rid itself of disease. Dr. LaSalle is well versed in customizing treatment plans utilizing lifestyle, food, botanicals, nutraceuticals, homeopathy, and pharmaceuticals.
In addition to primary care, Dr. LaSalle has experience successfully treating mold illness, tick borne illness, long Covid, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), autoimmune disease, SIBO, and other gut related health problems.
Dr. LaSalle earned her Naturopathic Doctor degree with honors from Bastyr University. She then completed a two-year residency at Emerald City Clinic, under the mentorship of Dr. Molly Niedermeyer, in a busy primary care practice. Before answering her calling as a naturopathic physician, Dr. LaSalle received her Bachelor of Science from University of Connecticut in Business and Technology followed by a career in finance.
Dr. LaSalle’s calling to become an ND developed during her tenure in finance after helping heal her husband of Lyme disease when conventional medicine failed. After healing her own eczema and environmental allergies with dietary changes, she became convinced that the root cause of many diseases begins in the gut. Growing up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains instilled a love of nature and a keen interest in the power of botanical medicine.
In her free time, Dr. LaSalle loves the active life of spending time in nature and exploring with her husband and son. She also enjoys tennis, taking walks, and road trips. Dr. LaSalle relishes novel experiences and learning about new cultures through travel, cuisine, and reading.