The Liquid Diet

For a sundry of reasons, you may be asked at some point before or after major medical intervention to be on a liquid diet. Don't let yourself succumb to the choices of jello, pop, gummy bears, Popsicle, coffee, and peppermints (a diet recently recited to me by a family member!). Even "food" items with some slightly redeeming qualities such as chicken and vegetable bouillon cubes and something called "resource breeze" which is like an Ensure product, can be tempting but easily avoided. These will NOT encourage the preparation/healing process. This is the year 2014 when we have choices like miso soup, vegetable broth, kombucha, and fresh vegetable juices.  There are so many options for healthy clear liquid diets that could assist the healing process-- make the right decisions!Respectfully,Dr. Molly Niedermeyer


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