From the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians...

Dear AANP Supporter:

The AANP series on naturopathic medicine, produced by the American Health Journal's Discoveries in Alternative Health for PBS, is currently being syndicated to network affiliates around the U.S. Your generous donations made the production of this show possible. Thank you. Please look for a showing in your area next week (see below) and please look for further syndication notices from us.

As you may know, the series forms the base from which we continue our PR and media efforts. Consumer awareness is on the rise - over the past year visits to the AANP website have increased by 211% and is now ranked in the top 95,000 U.S. websites. Media inquiries are also on the rise. Within one year, we expect to have placed NDs on over 100 network affiliate stations to talk about naturopathic medicine. It's all because of you. Thank you!

American Health Journal


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