Dr. Sally Boyd here for NLP Sessions this week!

Dr. Sally Boyd will be available this Thurs. Nov 3rd and Fri. Nov 4th from 2-5pm to schedule NLP sessions. Please call our office to schedule your one hour appointment with her! The cost is $100.00.

Please find Dr. Sally's own explanation of her services below!

Are you ‘stuck’ when it comes to a particular issue? Ready to change a limiting pattern in your life? Do you have beliefs about yourself or the world around you that are blocking your joy, healing and growth? Do you have a clue about what needs to be done to make your life better, but just can’t seem to ‘get there’? Are you ready for a change, now, in just one or a few sessions, that will last a lifetime?

NLP is designed to help those of us who are already basically functional (surviving in the world) and who would like to resolve an inner conflict or limitation or move through emotional blocks (such as phobia, panic attack, depression or self defeating behavior). NL P helps you increase success in a specific or focused area such as: anxiety or depression,phobia and trauma recovery, communication with a loved one, limit setting, decision making and problem solving. With NLP we can rapidly change self defeating habits, replacing them with naturally effective and lasting behaviors. For example, making a lasting change from acting on an addiction to a healthy exercise habit.

In the long learning process that is life, an NLP session is like getting to read the ‘Cliff Notes’ the day before a big test. Your session is designed to free up emotional energy and give you a boost up to a happier, more effective level of functioning. Couldn’t everyone use a bit of that?

See you soon!
The Emerald City Team


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