5th's Disease Alert: "Slapped Face Disease"

Recently we have been informed that 5th's Disease is going thru the Seattle area schools. Although those is a routine childhood illness, it can be devastating to adults that catch it. Once again I would like to address how to prevent catching a virus. First and foremost good health habits such as good diet, good hydration, appropriate sleep, no sugar, etc. But other things to consider: high dose vitamin A (50,000-150,000 IU), single high dose of vitamin D 25,000-100,000 IU, anti virals such as echinacea, astragelus, sambucus. We have many forms that are child friendly. Please be aware that vitamin A and D are fat soluble and can be toxic. So, if you are uncertain of your dosing contact your physician at Emerald City Clinic. Yours in health, Molly Linton


Emerald City Clinic Now Open 1st Saturday of the Month!


Vitamin Angels